I’m going to keep it as clean as I can, but are you freaking kidding me?! Their recommendations include that females should wait until they are 21 to begin screening for cervical cancer. At a time in our history, where girls become sexually active in their teens, this panel thinks it’s better to wait? Instead of having a pap smear every year, it should be every other year? This little announcement got tucked away a couple days after the announcement of the most stupid, idiotic, pathetic – holy shit Batman announcement, that ‘Women should wait until they are 50 before being screened for breast cancer; and they should only be done every other year after that.’
According to this panel’s finding, mammograms and some other screenings are unnecessary – deforming biopsies that are performed, testing, women becoming upset with wrong initial readings. Maybe, just maybe, the imbeciles on this panel haven’t lived through the experience. Maybe those numbers on sheets of paper that they analyzed and crunched through some stupid algorithm that brought them to this outrageous announcement were thrown together by a bunch of twits who have had a few beverages. Someone said to me, well, you know this is radiation that they use for mammograms. Really? Yes, I know, this is radiation. I also know that there are toxins in the air that I breathe everyday that can be as harmful or more harmful to me.
I have had many people in my life, many that I have loved near and dear – affected by cancer. To date, breast, colon, prostate, lung, bone, brain and stomach cancers. To date, the NUMBER ONE type of cancer in my world of family and friends, has been breast cancer. Nineteen women – 19! Out of those 19 women, only 1 found out after the age of 50. The youngest, was about 25. Six of them, have died. One third of the women that I know that have had breast cancer have died because of it.
Maybe, this batch of imbeciles just got done snuggling up in bed with the insurance companies that are going to run away with these findings. Think of the probably billions of dollars they can save for denying these useless tests. This situation that they have created by this announcement will give a boost to the health care conglomerate that already doesn’t give a rat’s ass if I live or die – let them control one more thing of my life because of where the hash mark falls in their statistics. Afterall, I’m just a number.
Maybe now is the time that this particular panel should be plopped down in the middle of a Strides AGAINST Breast Cancer – or a Run for the Cure. Bring ‘em on! This is my life – my children’s lives – and my friend’s and family’s lives that they are messing with … DON’T Go there! Unless you are finding a cure, don’t you dare take center stage away from early detection – and give it to the insurance companies who can play with our lives even more.
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